Thursday, September 30, 2010

As it was put to me, "penance at Saint Leo's is not saying Rosaries. It is running laps while carrying an old tractor tire"


Run 2 miles total, Do 50 Power cleans @ 50% of B.W.

*this can be done in any order or fashion you choose.
Example; You can run a 8- 400's and do 6 Cleans between each.
You can run a mile, do 25, run a mile, do 25
You can run two straight miles then do all 50 cleans

500m. for time!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Team TYE member Robin Reed, exiting the water at last weekends Oktoberfest Triathlon.
Robin was one of the few who exited without a wetsuit! Way to brave to chill!

Tabata Row
Tabata Bike
Tabata Run

following warm up swim
25m. Max effort, Recover 10 seconds
50m. max effort, recover 20 seconds
75m. max effort, recover 30 seconds
100m. max effort, recover 1 minute.

Repeat this 3, 4, or 5 times depending on race distance and ability.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We can always go faster!

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

cover as much ground as possible in 1 min. 20 seconds.
Walk to the start, Repeat 12 times.

Monday, September 27, 2010


We are taking over the world... One race at a time!


Pick your weakness... row, bike, run.
Do 1 min @ Max effort.
Recover @ 50% for 2 min.
Repeat 10 times!

also... FRCC is having a track workout at 5:45 at Bell middle school. I will be running... not coaching!
Who wants to race?!?!?!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


TYE coach, Jess Fisher sets impressive PR's at the tactical strength competition.

We have two new "triathletes" on the team and two first time podium finishers!

A GREAT weekend for TEAM TYE!


5 rounds of,
12 Front squat
12 hop squat
12 high rows

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Ten Hill repeats on Rimrock.

Saturday, September 25, 2010



Long run day.

short course, run 45-50 minutes
Long course, run 60 minutes
Ultra course, run 75-90 minutes

Friday, September 24, 2010


TEAM TYE members Jacob, Tamara, Brian, Kari, Robin, and Adam are getting their race on this weekend! Good luck team!

Intro WOD

Warm up-
500m. row
1 min jump rope
2 min walking lunges
3 min run

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of...
3 pull ups
5 box jumps
10 burpees

FRCC will be leaving from TYE @ 8am. all those interested please be here 15min prior. I will be doing a 1 hour ride.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Some one asked us if we could add a daycare facility. Ask and receive, we aim to please!

For time...
Run 1 mi.
Row 2500m
Run 1 mi.

Recover 5 min.

AMRAP in 10 minutes of...

15 sit ups
15 back extensions
15 KB swings
15 ring knee ups


Yoga to improve Crossfit!?! Who would have ever thought that would be helpful?!?!


We know CrossFit Games champ Graham Holmberg can deal with the unknown and unknowable. But Holmberg also enjoys dealing with the unknown when participating in yoga classes led by his fiancée, Savanna Wilson. For the co-owner of Rogue Fitness/CrossFit Columbus, it’s refreshing to be able to stop planning workouts for 45 minutes while following a series of movements created by someone else.

Holmberg uses yoga to improve his flexibility, but he also uses it to work on his concentration and intensity during focused movement. Even so, he believes the flexibility benefits are unmistakeable, and flexibility is one of CrossFit’s 10 general physical skills—even if many ignore it completely.

Stretching sucks. It does. There, it's been said. You can't brag about your best stretching time, you don't get to write your stretch PR on the wall, and there is no immediate "Fran"-like gratification that you are really tough. And despite the fact that flexibility is one of the ten CrossFit pillars of complete, well-balanced fitness, increasing flexibility potential remains the ungreased squeaky wheel of most athletes' training programming. According to the ten general physical skills list, flexibility is allegedly as important as power or strength. So why don't we take it more seriously? Because, typically, we simply fail to frame flexibility in terms that are important to us: increasing performance.

Stop kidding yourself. Lacking flexibility in crucial areas has a crushing impact on your athletic abilities; to say nothing of the host of pains and problems that inflexibility predisposes you to. If you know you have tight hips, calves, hamstrings, quads, thoracic spine, or shoulders and aren't actively, aggressively striving to fix them, then you must be afraid of having a bigger squat, faster rowing splits, or a more explosive second pull. Or, you must be very lazy. Because if you are tight and a CrossFitter, you are missing a huge opportunity to get better, stronger and faster. Simply put, not stretching is like not flossing, and the results are not pretty. There are many areas of restriction in the typical athlete, but it makes sense to begin a discussion about flexibility and performance at perhaps the most commonly neglected and profoundly underaddressed area of the body, the hamstrings. The goals of this article are to help you understand how hamstring restriction impedes performance and function, learn to identify tight hamstrings with a few simple assessment tools, and above all, know how to address the problem.

originally written by,

Kelly Starrett

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"The 4th Discipline" Practicing transitions is just as important as swim, bike, & run training for triathletes but often goes untrained.
Here we practice transitions under race like conditions!

Pick your weakness... row, bike, run.
Do 1 min @ Max effort.
Recover @ 50% for 2 min.
Repeat 10 times!

Following warm up,

Hold FASTEST possible pace for,

Recovery is between 25% & 33% of swim time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I may have actually made it to the top of this monster if I had been taking "climb fit" Check the fall/winter schedule for days and times!


Filthy 50
In any order, complete for time...
50 air squats
50 pull ups
50 burpees
50 knee to elbow
50 KB swings
50 thrusters
50 wall ball
50 ring dips
50 double under
50 box jump


If Racing this weekend;
15- 100m. strides (build speed throughout run)

If not,
800m/400m super set.
Hold fastest possible pace, recover 1/2 or run time. Repeat X4

Monday, September 20, 2010


The tranisiton can be a very chaotic place if you are not properly prepared!

1min max effort, 2 min @ 60% Repeat this 3 times
Do 1 min max rep air squat.
1min max effort, 2 min @ 60% Repeat this 3 times
Do 1 min max rep box jump
1min max effort, 2 min @ 60% Repeat this 3 times
1 min max rep burpee
1min max effort, 2 min @ 60% Repeat this 3 times

We will be doing another row/bike/run brick here tonight at 5:15pm in place of the swim/bike brick.
Bring all of your race gear including, bike, helmet and running gear. We will discuss proper transition set up, what equipment is valuable.

The evening workout will include several minutes of row, 6mi. Bike and a 2 mile run. This will all be done without rest.


LG and LJ are back from a great Surfing WOD!
Thanks to the coaches who filled in for us.


If you are racing this coming weekend:
DL & Back Squat
Building weight on each set

If you are NOT RACING:

5 rnds
1 min weighted front lunge
1 min box jump
1 min weighted step up


If Racing:

8- 400m repeats
with 30 sec rest


8 hill repeats
Walking recovery

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday WOD- Murph.

Chuck Taylor Beer Mile! Get it A.J.


For time....

Run 1mi.
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
run 1 mi.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



after a 200m. warm up,
swim 25m. easy, 25 @ race pace, then 25.
Repeat for 10, 15, or 20 minutes depending on race distance and ability.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We are still looking for someone to take the record board for Fran... Here's your shot!


Warm up-
500m row
15 burpees
15 walking lunges (each leg)

practice muscle up for 5 min.

Main set - FRAN
21 Thrusters
21 Pull ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull ups

For time!


Run 800m. @ max effort, recover 1min.
Repeat 4, 5, or 6 times depending on race distance/ability.


A fast, efficient transition is often the difference between 3rd and 4th!

We will be doing a transition clinic today, and each remaining Tuesday evening in September, at 5:30p
If you are doing or are interested in doing a triathlon, please bring your bike, and running shoes and get ready for a Row/Bike/Run session.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Heros come in all shapes and sizes

Overhead squat
Dead Lift
100m. Tire drag
10, 12 or 15 times

Recover 20 sec. between sets.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Beer Mile!

5 Body Blaster (burpee, pull up, K2E)
Run 400m.
12 burpee
Run 400m.
15 wall ball
Run 400m.
1 round of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
Run 400m.

Beer Mile!!

Consume a 12 oz. adult beverage.
Run 400m. at max effort.

Repeat a total of 4 times.

Official Beermile.Com Rules

       1. Each competitor drinks four cans of beer and runs four laps on a track           (Start - beer/lap, beer/lap, beer/lap, beer/lap - finish).         2. Beer must be consumed before the lap is begun, within the           transition area which is the 10 meter zone before the start/finish           line on a 400m track.         3. The race begins with the drinking of the first beer in the last meter           of the transition zone to ensure the comptitors run a complete mile           (1609 meters).         4. Women also drink four beers in four laps (past rule lists only required           ladies to drink three beers).        5. Competitors must drink canned beer and the cans should not be           less than 355ml (the standard can volume) or 12oz (the imperial equivalent).           Bottles may be substituted for cans as long as they are at least           12 oz (355 ml) in volume.        6. No specialized cans or bottles may be used that give an advantage           by allowing the beer to pour at a faster rate. ie "super mega           mouth cans" or "wide mouth bottles" are prohibited.        7. Beer cans must not be tampered with in any manner, ie. no           shotgunning or puncturing of the can except for opening the can by           the tab at the top. The same applies with bottles - no straws or           other aids are allowed in order to aid in the speed of pouring.         8. Beer must be a minimum of 5% alcohol by volume.  Hard ciders and lemonades           will not suffice.  The beer must be a fermented alcoholic beverage           brewed from malt and flavored with hops.  For an abbreviated list of valid           beers and exceptions, click here.        9. Each beer can must not be opened until the competitor enters the           transition zone on each lap.        10. Competitors who vomit before they finish the race must complete           one penalty lap at the end of the race (immediately after the           completion of their 4th lap). Note: Vomitting more than once           during the race still requires only one penalty lap at the end.

Thursday 9/9

Reminder that this Saturday at 3, 4, & 5pm we will be hosting the first annual
Every one is welcome to join in!!


Tabata row
Tabata bike
Tabata run

Tabata is 20 second MAX effort, 10 second recovery. Times 8.

Main set
100m/50m. Holding fastest possible pace. Recovery is 1/3 swim time.

Complete 5, 7, OR 10 times depending on race distance and ability.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wednesday 9/8

This is the LuLu Lemon athletica store front in "Buckhead" ATL Georgia

Warm up-
500m row, 30 seconds walking lunges, 10 knee to elbow, 30 seconds jump rope.

Practice walking on your hands for 5 minutes.

Main set-
9 rounds for time of...
5 Thrusters (65/95)
7 chest to bar pull ups
25 double unders

Run on track...
Cover as much ground as possible in 1 min. (mark your spot) Recovery jog back to innitial start line (@ 50% max effort.)
Repeat this sequence 10, 12, or 15 times depending on race distance/ability.

If you come up short of your initial mark by more than 10 steps....
Tabata squats at the end of your final 1min interval.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tuesday 9/7

Where's your muscle up??

swim 30 minute continous effort with 10 strokes being MAX effort, followed by 20 strokes of recovery.

On a continous running clock, ride 20 seconds at MAX effort, followed by 40 seconds of recovery. This should be done for 20, 25, or 30 minutes depending on race distance/ability.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Less than a month and a half after having the clavicle pinned back together!

Power clean on a continuous running clock,
on the minute; do 1 repetition the first minute, 2 in minute 2, 3 in 3, and so on until failure.
Repeat the exact sequence with Muscle ups. (If you don't have a M.U. GET ONE! or do a pull up & dip.)

5k time trial.
Run 3.1 miles as fast as your little legs can go!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Good Luck Amanda!! Run like this and you will do great!!

Run Long and steady.
Trail run
45-60 minutes for short course athletes
60-80 for long course
90- 110 for ultra athletes


Friday, September 3, 2010

Saturday 9/4 Intro WOD


1 handstand pushup
3 chatauraunga pushups
5 v up's

AMRAP 15 Min

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Honorary TYE member Travis "LEW" Lewallen. Reppin from afar!



Kezia is done in a team of three.

Team member 1 does a max effort row, while T.M. 2 Does a max effort bike. T.M. 3 runs 400m.
1 & 2 continues until 3 returns.
Runner takes over Row, Row moves to bike, Biker runs.

Complete as many rounds of this rotation as possible in 20 minutes!

Don't have any friends????? That's cool

Start with the run. Then row and ride equal time as your run split for 20 min.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thursday 9/2

There is something about the feeling of being the first person to ever climb to the top of something that is VERY satisfying!

TABATA-b-kiddin me!

Tabata row.

5 minute recovery

Tabata squat

5min. recovery

Tabata jump rope/double under

5min. recovery

Tabata run sprint


recovery is equal to run time.

complete 5, 7, or 10 rounds depending on your race distance/ability.

Any set that has a variance of +/- 5 seconds is a scratch. If this occurs complete
a TABATA swim interval after the prescribed workout.

A Tabata= 8 rounds of 20 second MAX effort, 10 second recovery.

...And you thought I was full of it!

The facts on high intensity, short duration, "Tabata" intervals.

The Tabata protocol is a high-intensity training regimen that produces remarkable results. A Tabata workout (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes. In a group context, you can keep score by counting how many lifts/jumps/whatever you do in each of the 20 second rounds. The round with the smallest number is your score.

Credit for this simple and powerful training method belongs to its namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their groundbreaking 1996 study, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, provided documented evidence concerning the dramatic physiological benefits of high-intensity intermittent training. After just 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity in his subjects, along with a 14% increase in their ability to consume oxygen (V02Max). These results were witnessed in already physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that just four minutes of Tabata interval training could do more to boost aerobic and anaerobic capacity than an hour of endurance exercise

Wednesday 9/1

The final finished product... Team TYE has it's official logo!


Of these three movements, choose your weakness
Double under, muscle up, T-get ups, pistols

Row 600m.
3 rounds of Cindy
Row 500m.
4 rounds of Cindy
Row 400m.
5 rounds of Cindy
Do 1min max rep of above weakness. Each rep reduces your time by 5 seconds.

if speed is your limiter...
400/200 X8

If Stamina is your limiter...
800/400 X4

Recovery is 50% of run time