Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Efficiency vs, Economy

Let us talk for a moment on the subject of efficiency and economy. Efficiency is a rather complex subject, for this reason, we will be breaking it down over the course of the next few days. Today we will be discussing how our body's oxygen consumption (fuel economy) effects our ability to perform a given exercise. In the next few days we will break down the mechanical efficiency required to swim, bike, and run more fluidly.
Without getting too deep into muscular contraction on a cellular level, it is important to know about ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the main energy source for the majority of cellular functions and it needs oxygen in order to work. Therefore, oxygen is a key component in the fuel that allows our engine to run. Since we know this there are two things we should be asking ourselves as endurance athletes. 1. How can I take in more oxygen (increase the capacity of my fuel tank)? and 2. How do I get the maximum amount of distance out of each molecule of oxygen (improve my MPG)?
1. In response to question one...Yoga!! (what did you think I was going to say?!?!) Positions like Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) are designed to improve oxygen intake, improve digestion and promote flexibility in the spine. (an additional advantage for anyone looking to obtain a more aggressive aerodynamic bike position.) In fact, most yoga flows encourage breathing in a deep, slow, almost scrupulous manor. This act increases our lungs tidal volume by utilizing and strengthening our secondary breathing muscles such as the intercostals. By practicing taking in deep breath our ability to take in more oxygen is increased.
2. To answer question two.... Be more mechanically efficient! By breaking down each movement in swimming, biking, and running assessing our deficiency and making corrections, we are able to get the most out of every muscle contraction.
Tomorrow, we will break down the movements of swimming in order to make ourselves faster without having to use any more fuel than we currently are. Until then, find some beauty and practice breathing!!!!

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