Thursday, July 28, 2011


To everyone racing this weekend.... Show 'em what R.E.D. team is all about!!!

I will be in Chicago until monday late moring.  Anna will be coaching Saturday morning "Intro WOD"
Group ride Saturday and Sunday's open water swim will be "uncoached" 
Monday's AM classes will be cancelled, however the workout of the day is a 5k run. Please post your results on the Facebook page!

Yoga @ 6am with Kristy!!!

Open Gym/Challenge WOD

Have a great weekend team, I will see you early next week!!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


We have several awesome new athletes on the team, make sure to introduce yourself and make them feel at home!!
Welcome all!

Strength WOD

101 pull ups
101 squat jumps
101 push ups
101 box jumps
101 KBS

(Every 2 minutes do 3 burpees)
(Why 101??.....100 because it makes you strong, and 1 for the Airborne Ranger in the sky!)

Endurance WOD

Cover as much distance in 3 minutes as possible, recover 1 minute
Repeat 7 times
warm up 10 minutes
complete as many times up Dinosaur ridge in 30 minutes as possible.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Strength WOD

21-15-9 of...
Ring dips
Knee to bar

Skill: snatch

Endurance WOD-Run

Hill Repeats
12 times up Rimrock (200m. @ 4% grade)

Monday, July 25, 2011


Tamara will be riding from the gym at 5:30p.  (likely up lookout)  she is looking for a couple more brave soles to attempted holding her back wheel for 90 minutes!

Group mountain ride will not be lead by coach this week.  :(  boooo
Please post to comments and Team FB page if you want to link up on your own... OR ride with T-Bone

Strength WOD
Squat clean. Recovery is just long enough to add weight.

Endurance WOD
250m moderate/50 sprint. recover 10 seconds
200 moderate/50 sprint. recover 10 seconds
150 moderate/50 sprint. recover 10 seconds
100 moderate/ 50 sprint. recover 10 seconds
50 moderate/50 sprint. recover 10 seconds
50 sprint. recover 10 seconds
50 sprint.  End

Sunday, July 24, 2011


GREAT weekend of racing for the team!! Amanda and Mark both did their first triathlon!!
Amanda WON her division, Robin and Leo both had division podium finishes.
Ben and Maia both had terrific races!!  Great job all around

Strength/Endurance WOD

3 rounds for time of...
1 mile run
30 box jumps
20 wall ball
10 KBS

Friday, July 22, 2011


We have a great group of athletes racing this weekend at both the Lookout Mountain sprint Tri
The Denver Triathlon!

We will be meeting at G.C.B. following the race on Saturday! 
So even if you are not racing, come grab a pint with the team!

Intro WOD

40-30-20-10 Box Jumps/push ups
with a 400 meter run between each set!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Changes at TYE

Many of you may have noticed a few changes lately.  I would like to take a brief moment to clear some things up.

#1.  Yes, the name of the gym is changing and NO that will not effect your training!  I am committed "100% and then some" to your development as athletes.  As long as you are here, I will be too!!
 We will be team R.E.D. from this point forward.  Ranger Endurance Development. 
The website will now be located at if you are reading this then you know that the blog is and I have created a new blog detailing the quest to go under 10 hours in an Ironman with fewer than 10 hours of training a week.  (Follow it!!)

#2.  Fridays will be "Challenge WOD"  The premise is like the basketball game "horse"  Every athlete will be able to come up with their own workout, you may then challenge the rest of the gym or an individual to beat your score, time, reps, ext.   Lower score buys the higher score a MIX 1 (or other beverage of choice!)    "Iron" Will Eaton has already set two challenges... 100 muscle ups for time &  60 minutes of Cindy!!  Remember, you have to complete your own workout before you can challenge someone else to it!   If you have the "intestinal fortitude" to challenge a coach, you get 3:1 odds.  In other words, you beat Me, Jess, Josh, or Anna in a Challenge WOD, you have 3 MIX 1's coming your way!
Since some of you are completely nuts and I know you will try to kill one another, I have decided to open the gym up for an extra hour on Fridays to facilitate your devious WOD's.  open gym is now 4-7p on Friday evenings. 

#3. A lot of people have been racing (and CRUSHING it!!) my apologies about not posting results lately.  I am back on track now.  Please post race results to the comments section of the blog or the TEAM FACEBOOK PAGE

#4.  Lastly, but most importantly, THANK YOU!  I know that the past couple of weeks have been a little rocky.  I can't express how much it means to me to have such a dedicated team of athletes!  I promise that these changes are for the better.  I will continue to do everything in my power to improve YOUR training facility!  Please bare with me as these final adjustments are being made. 

R.E.D. TEAM GO!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Strength WOD
3x10 minute AMRAP's
5 minute recovery between each

#1 5 Box Jump, 10 SDHP, 15 Sit ups
#2- Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
#3   5 Weight plate G2OH/Squat, 10 K2E, 15 Burpee

Endurance WOD

Swim- Open water
3, 4, or 5 rounds of 5 minutes at sprint pace.

4, 5, or 6 rounds of 5 minutes at sprint pace


Strength WOD
3 rounds for reps of....
1 min KBS
1 min V-UP
1 min Push Press

Endurance WOD- Run

recovery is 50% of run time

Monday, July 18, 2011


Group mountain bike ride- Meet at the base of lookout mountain off of 93 @ 5:30p. 
Ride 60-90 minutes.....Beers following @ Woodys! 

Strength WOD

If you are NOT racing this weekend....
5 rounds for reps of...
max rep pull ups
max rep body weight bench

If you ARE racing this weekend
5-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts
Work toward your max

Endurance WOD- Swim

500m warm up

(Fastest possible 100's)
recovery is equal to swim time


Strength/Endurance WOD

6 rounds for time of...

12 ring dips
24 jumping weighted lunges
400m run.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Ride will meet at Mt. Vernon country club on top of lookout mountain at 8:30am saturday.
We will be riding next weekends Lookout mountain Triathlon bike course twice. 
Each lap is apprx. 10 miles.
We will do the first lap at a moderate pace together, at the start of the second lap each athletes can ride to their ability level.

Intro WOD

Mini "Barb"

3 rounds for time of....
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Strength WOD

As many rounds as possible in 35 minutes
5 ground to overhead @ 50% body weight
10 burpee box jumps
20 K2B
30 Windmills (15 each side)

Endurance WOD   Swim/Bike

10x100 ... 30 second recovery
@ threshold do 5,4,3,2,1,1,1 minutes ... 30 second recovery between each. 


Strength WOD
21-15-9 of...
GI Jane/Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Endurance WOD-Run

On a track, cover as much distance as possible in 90 seconds.
You have 30 seconds to return to the start point.
Repeat 11 times

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Strength WOD
As many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of...
3 heavy push press ( 85% max)
6 box jumps
9 ring dips

** 200m run on minutes 7/14/21

Endurance WOD

3 minutes on 1 minute off Times 4, 5, or 6.

3x10min at threshold


What does your run REALLY look like?!?!?!

This saturday 7/9 from 1-4p TYE will be hosting a pose running clinic.

We will be discussing the bio mechanics and physics of good running form!
Each participant will have their run gait recorded at 30 frames per second.
As a group we will evaluate each persons form and learn proper technuiqe through comprehensive drills!
There will be a Q & A regarding shoe choices and effective Crossfit Endurance programming!


Strength WOD
5 rounds for time of...

3 handstand push ups
6 pull ups
9 Hang cleans
12 KBS

Endurance WOD

Mile Repeats
3 or 4 - 1 mile repeats.

Recovery is 2- 2 1/2 minutes between each.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Mountain bike ride begins at Red Rocks amphitheater and descends to Matthew Winters Park. We will finish just in time for the start of Movie on the Rocks....
Top GUN!

Strength WOD

Max rep, OHS @ 50% BW
10 Minutes

Endurance WOD


500m TT

Friday, July 1, 2011


Monday was "Pony tail night" at TYE!

Intro WOD
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of...
15 air squats
10 parallet passthroughs (With a push up and dip)
5 box jumps

Endurance WOD

I know that the tour starts today...However, a long climb is in order
Leave TYE @ 8:30a
Ride Golden Gate canyon... Get to Woody's for the 3p showing.
All you can eat pizza will be perfect after such an epic ride!