Tuesday, May 31, 2011


1st Track Wod of the season is tonight!
Meet at TYE @ 5:25pm

Strength WOD

50- 40 - 30 - 20- 10
Double Unders & Sit ups

Skill: Paralette Pass throughs

Endurance WOD

12x 400's

Taper Week!

Team TYE athlete Tamara S. on her way to a podium finish at Ocktoberfest triathlon

Knowing that we have several team members racing this weekend I wanted to take a moment and go over some "Taper Week" Do's and Don'ts

~The most important thing to remember (in my humble opinion) is that you do not stand to gain any considerable fitness in the week before an event. You should leave every training session feeling as you could have done more!
~Recovery between sets should be increased significantly.
~Caffeine consumptions should be kept to an absolute minimum.
~"Carb Loading" does not mean eating a huge pasta dinner the night before a race! If you are going to eat a big meal, make it the lunch before race day. Dinner the night before should be somewhat light and a good balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. My personal choice is Jimmy Johns #12 with no mayo.
~ Focus on hydration... with water! (Corey)
~ Practice mounting and dismounting your bike, better yet practice every aspect of your transitions. Remember this is not a swim, bike, run race.... your transition time counts!
~ Check, double check and triple check your equipment! Triathlon rewards the scrupulous! DONT WAIT till the morning of!!
~ Don't over eat! You should be training a little less, but if you are like me, you eat habitually. make sure to reduce your calories as you reduce your training! No one wants to carry an extra 2lbs on a run!
~ Get a massage! 3-4 days before the race is ideal!
~ I am not an advocate of taking the whole day off from training the day before a race. This will often leave you feeling a little lethargic come race morning. If you can swim at the race site.get A short bike/run effort is a good idea too. This provides a last chance to practice that transition.

Time line for race morning (If race starts at 7am)
4:45a- wake up, Large glass of water
5:00a- Oatmeal, 1 scoop Peanut Butter, fruit of choice.
5:15-6:45a -Sip on electrolyte drink (I like Vitamin water)
6:30a- COFFEE!! (after restricting your caffeine intake all week, this will be double helpful!)
6:40a- Half a banana OR a gel
7:00a - race start

During Race (Sprint / Olympic)
~no solids
~100 calories every 30 minutes (Gels are the easiest way to get this. Power Bar gels tend to go down easiest) You can also use liquid calories.
~ Protein & Carbohydrates within 15 minutes of finish (Mix1 is optimal)

Monday, May 30, 2011


Strength WOD
7X2 Squat clean

Skill- snatch movement
Endurance WOD-Swim
10x 100m
If your fastest 100 is between 1:15 & 1:30 then send off on 1:45
" " 1:30 & 1:45 " " 2:00
" " 1:45 & 2:00 " " 2:15


Memorial Day "Murph"

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squats
1 mile run

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Endurance WOD-Bike
Group ride leaves TYE @ 9am!
We will be keeping it flat on this one with a couple of quick pick ups.
Total ride time 60-90 minutes.

Come fly with Lindsay!!! Arm Balance clinic Sunday afternoon.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Strength WOD

10 pushups
10 pull-ups
9 pushups
9 pull-ups
8 pushups
8 pull-ups
7 pushups
7 pull-ups
6 pushups
6 pull-ups
5 pushups
5 pull-ups
4 pushups
4 pull-ups
3 pushups
3 pull-ups
2 pushups
2 pull-ups
1 pushups
1 pull-ups
Endurance WOD- Swim
3 rounds of
3x50m on the minute
300m TT

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Strength WOD

With a partner:
1 min of work on each...

Pushup/ Double Under
Row/ Burpees
Box Jumps/ Pull-ups
Ring Dips/ Sit-ups
KBS (55/35)/ Dumb bell press (30/20)

Endurance WOD
Rest :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I will be sending out the newsletter with notes for the summer schedule on Thursday. Please email LG if you are not on the newsletter list and would like to be.

Strength WOD

Death By: (Each round is on the minute)
40 m Sprint/ 2 pushups
40 m sprint/ 4 pushups
40 m sprint/ 6 pushups
....you get the idea....go until you cannot complete a 40m sprint and your amount of pushups

Endurance WOD
3x 20 @ 85% on Bike

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Strength WOD

15 min. AMRAP of...

15 Sumo Dead Lift/High Pull

9 burpee- box jump

6 pull ups (OR 2 Muscle ups)

Endurance WOD-Swim
400m easy warm up
4x200m all out / 100m easy between each
100m catch up drill
100m fist drill
100m knuckle drag drill

Monday, May 23, 2011


Welcome back Hefton!

Strength WOD

500 m Row
21 KBS
1 mile run
x 2 or 3

Endurance WOD-Bike
3x20min @ 85% of 20min F.T.


Strength WOD

Endurance WOD- Swim
400m warm up
10 rounds of,
25m sprint/25m race pace. Recover 10 seconds between each round
4 rounds of,
50 kick/100 free

Friday, May 20, 2011


Best of luck to Jacob B. and Tyler V. Racing the Aquathon National Championship
Jordan Jones racing Colombia triathlon this weekend!!

Strength WOD
Tabata Row
Tabata Squat
Tabata knee raise
Endurance WOD
Following warm up:

Sprint athletes do...
3x300 where the last 50 is a sprint

olympic/70.3 athletes do
3x400 where the last 100 is a sprint

IM athletes do
3x500 where the last 150 is a sprint

*Anyone wishing to ride the Boulder sunrise/sprint/Peak course tomorrow, please be at the studio at or before 9:30
A few people will also be running the course too. Please bring running gear if you want to join in.

Ever wanted to know how to take care of your callused hands? Well I found this video that gives you some pointers...so your hands won't bleed durning your next max rep pull up session.

Please note: I use a nail file to accomplish the same task as this guy....but he opted for the power tools :)


Thursday, May 19, 2011


HEADS UP- After the swim Saturday morning, (9:30a)
a group will be leaving from the studio to ride the Boulder Tri course.
Everyone is welcome. There is a 17 and 25 mile option. A few of us will also be running immediately following the ride.

Strength WOD
4 rounds of.....

Athlete 1 does... While Athlete 2...
21 sit & slam Holds plank
15 box jumps Wall sit
9 pull ups Dead hang
Wheelbarrow 1 length of the gym

Switch following each movement.

Endurance WOD
Rest day OR
45 min tempo run

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Way to set the bar just a little higher on "Fran"
Brian - 4:43
Amanda - 6:02

Strength WOD
1 mile run (or 1500m row)
25 burpees
800m run ( 1k row)
50 burpees
400m run (500m row)
25 burpees

Endurance WOD - Bike
6 rounds of...
5 min @ F.T.
2 min @ 50%

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Could it be?!?!?! Yep, two consecutive days of "Speedo Corey!"

Strength WOD

Thrusters (95/65)
Pull ups

Endurance WOD-Swim

5, 7 or 9 rounds of

100m sprint
50 easy
Recover 30-60 seconds between each round

Monday, May 16, 2011


9 rounds for time of....
Alternating weighted jumping lunge (15 each leg)
200m. sprint / jogging recovery

2-30 min TT w/ 5 min recovery between.


Bike Jersey's are in!!!!!

100 hang snatch for time
every 5th one....Snatch to OHS

3X100 warm up


4-200's (50 drill between each)
3-300's (100 drill between each)

4-50's on the minute. Focus on kick

200 easy cool down

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Amanda & Robin at TYE's first WOD!

We have come a long way in one year and it is all because of you, the team!
We want to say thank you.

Please come join us between 4:30 and 6:30p for our one year anniversary celebration.
We will be providing food and beer courtesy of Wynkoop brewery!

We have a bunch of cool prizes donated from our local friends and sponsors at
Kompetitive Edge
Runners Roost Lakewood
Valdora Tri Bikes
Tri Bella's
Mix 1
Jack Rabbit Bike and Trail
Boulder Fields
Personal Best bodywork

Bring a friend.
Don't be surprised if there is a little workout planned....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011




1.5 mile run
150 clean and press ( 45/65 )

This work load can be partitioned any way you choose.

1 min / 2 min / 3 min / 4 min / 5 min / 5 min / 4 min / 3 min / 2 min / 1 min
@ threshold
1 minute recovery between each set.

Yoga Wednesday Night

Hey guys,

Unfortunately we are canceling yoga this evening due to the roof leaking upstairs. I will post updates on the progress of the room. The WOD's are still on.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


AMRAP 20 min
5 Chest to bar pullups
10 wall ball- #20/12
15 KBS- #55/35


5 X 100 (build on each- 1 min rec)
5 X 100

Monday, May 9, 2011



1 mile run
10 box jumps
100 double unders
10 box jumps

Sunday, May 8, 2011



Power Clean @ 75% Max

3 x 1 min max pullups
3x 1 min max pushups
3x 1 min max K2E

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Group ride.
9am- we will be riding to Morrison and through bear creek park. Bring a friend!
30ish miles, no drop!


Great Job Brian and Jesse!
Brian takes 8 MINUTES off of his half marathon from last year and 4 MINUTES off his personal best time.
Jesse becomes an ironman for the TENTH TIME!!!!

crossfit women

Friday, May 6, 2011


10:30 AM- START
Unofficial Fun 5K
Come get your race on and have fun. Friends and Family welcome.
If you are not getting the newsletter, please email LG



AMRAP 15 Min
10 pushups
20 sit-ups
30 Squats

For those of you who still swim at the GCC...
The Golden Community Center Pool is Closed until further notice.
They are having mechanical problems

3 Sets of 3 100's
1 min rest btwn each 100
5 min rest btwn each set
Practice Drill work btwn each set


100 med ball sit-ups (50 each: #12/20)
200 m Overhead lunge (#12/20) 1 person works other cheers
100 med ball sit ups ( 50 each: #12/20)
200 air squats -1 person works other cheers

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


1 mile run
21-15-9 of...
1 mile run

1 hour TT
hold highest wattage possible.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



1000m Row
50 Thrusters- #45
30 pullups

Monday, May 2, 2011


New Stickers are on the way :)


AMRAP 25 Min
3 muscle ups/6 pullups
15 Weighted Step Ups each leg (25/45)
400 m Run

Sunday, May 1, 2011


5 x 8, straight leg dead lift @ 75% body weight.
100m sprint between each set, walking recovery. OR 8 box jumps between each set.

3,2,1 HEAVY clean & split jerk

warm up-
300m easy
100m of 1 arm drill.

Main set-
each 100 should be 10 seconds slower than your max effort 100. Recovery is no more than 30 seconds.
Send off on the minute.
4-50's kick

Cool down
200 easy


CFE-Bike or Run
Bike- 2 hours with 3-10 minute efforts at 90% of threshold

Run- 45-60 minutes with 3-5 minute efforts at 5k race pace.

Women's triathlon clinic today. 1-4p

Yoga- @6p