Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Congrats to Bjoern... 1st place in the "German He-Man" contest!

Strength WOD
Death by... power clean/muscle up
Do 1 the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third, and so on until failure.
(@ 60-65% max)
Starting one minute after failure of P.C. repeat the same set for muscle ups. If you don't have a muscle up, do pull ups.

Endurance WOD- Swim/Bike
Easy 250m warm up
50m sprint directly into 50 race pace
6, 8 or 2 rounds depending on race distance/ability

5 min at race pace-
8, 10, or 12 hill repeats (Apprx. 1 min each)
decent is recovery


  1. Thanks dude :)

    To let you know what was the Challenge:
    - Standing row: elbows high, without any swing bar to chin max. weight (mine 65kg)
    - Wall sit perfekt technique max. time (3:31min.)
    - Site plank max. time (2:14min.)
    - 1k row for time (3:12min.)

    The counting was like: If 20 people start, 1st got 200 points, 2nd got 190 points,...

  2. Thanks ;) and the rest ist crap? *hahahaha*
