Thursday, January 20, 2011

Partner WOD
buddy carries (each athlete carries their partner 1 lap around the gym)
partition 100 burpees
partition 100 double unders
partition 100 push up/dip pass throughs
buddy carries (each athlete carries their partner 1 lap around the gym)

5 rounds
100 free
50 kick

5 rounds
100 free
50 one arm

5 rounds
100 free
50 catch

Recovery is 30-40 seconds between each round. 1 min between each of set.

1 comment:

  1. Leo: How many did you get?

    Me: I got (x amount of reps) on the dot. I feel like I'm starting to be able to break through some mental barriers.

    Leo: Why didn't you get (x + 1) then?

    Me (slightly dejected): I ran out of time?
