Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I will be sending out the newsletter with notes for the summer schedule on Thursday. Please email LG if you are not on the newsletter list and would like to be.

Strength WOD

Death By: (Each round is on the minute)
40 m Sprint/ 2 pushups
40 m sprint/ 4 pushups
40 m sprint/ 6 pushups get the idea....go until you cannot complete a 40m sprint and your amount of pushups

Endurance WOD
3x 20 @ 85% on Bike

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing the Endurance WOD with 3x800 on the track at 10k pace afterwards. I'll be taking off for a warm up for the ride from the gym at 5:30ish and dropping off my shoes at the track prior to the mainset. Lemme know if anyone is interested in joining! : )
